Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Interview with my Dad

An interview with Joy
March 18 , 2009 at 10:55am
These answers were provided by my oldest daughter Joy.

1. What is something dad always says to you? Yes or No

2. What makes dad happy? If yo do what he asks you to

3. What makes dad sad?If you don’t do what he asks you

4. How does your dad make you laugh?By tickling me

5. What was your dad like as a child? Um I don’t know, a person, a kid

6. How old is your dad? 30 (while laughing)

7. How tall is your dad? Big

8. What is his favorite thing to do? Play with me

9. What does your dad do when you're not around? He works at work

10. If your dad becomes famous, what will it be for? Doing the dishes

11. What is your dad really good at? Teasing mommy

12. What is your dad not very good at? My daddy is good at everything

13. What does your dad do for his job? Makes Money

14. What is your dad's favorite food? Hamburgers

15. What makes you proud of your dad? Doing the dishes all by Himself.

16. If your dad were a cartoon character, who would he be? A talking one, football

17. What do you and your dad do together? Clean the room

18. How are you and your dad the same? We both have short hair

19. How are you and your dad different? Because we are different people

20. How do you know your dad loves you? Cause he helps me everyday.

21. What does your dad like most about your mom? He likes it when she goes grocery shopping.

22. Where is your dad's favorite place to go?The bathroom I guess


Shelise said...

That is so funny. I love kid's answers.

*Amy * said...

I have no idea about those guys. We haven't seen them in about six years or so. Sorry:)

*Amy * said...

Steven and Rachel are our in-laws on the Richardson side. Same names, that's funny. I don't know where we will be headed after Flag. We might consider Thatcher or Show Low but there has to be a good job there for us and I am not sure there will be when we decide to move. Flag has more opportunities in the medical field for Chris so we will just have to see. We will be here for a few more years at least. We do enjoy our visits there though.

stevensfamily said...

Too cute! Don't you just love the things kids say?!?

Steven Damron said...

Favorite place is the bathroom? What are you doing in there?