Thursday, October 15, 2009

Moving Days

Last night was our LAST NIGHT in this trailer!!! We are locking in our interest rate today, since it is so increadibly low. We also got an awesome number for our appraisal, so we are way excited to not have to deal with mortgage insurance. YEAH!!! We are so excited to finally get into our first home.
Eli is also moving. On Monday, he decided to celebrate turning 6 months old by army crawling. So funny. He used to try to scoot around by using only his toes and he looked like a little caterpillar. He's rolling all over the place, too. He is the gruntiest little guy too, and lets you know he enjoys his dinner. He's a little chunklet.
Last night, when we were at the house, Lucy was looking at everything and just didn't get it. She said, "We have those marshmallows too. I have that dress. Daddy has that Bronco too." She doesn't realize that everything we have is at our new house. She thinks it's someone else's stuff and that they have the same things that we do. She cracks me up.


blair and maisy said...

That's funny that Lucy can't quite pin it. That would crack me up.

paxtonfam said...

Congrats on the new house!